s e r v i c e

To achieve success in all aspects of a project, John Webb Construction & Design are committed to creating a partnership with our clients by understanding their individual needs, responding to those needs by sharing our professional knowledge and experience. We are service-oriented and believe follow-through is essential for a successful partnership. We take great pride in superior client service.
A unique and efficient advantage to our company is that we can provide all the services related to your project: Drafting, Permitting, Plans & Documentation, Engineering, Interior Design, Project Management, and the actual Construction. Excellent communication, project management, accurate scheduling, and cost control brings our projects in on time and on budget.
k n o w l e d g e & e x p e r i e n c e

Owner, John Webb, has been designing and building homes in Oregon and California since 1986. Prior to obtaining his own contractor’s license, he worked for over 10 years as a journeyman with renowned architects and artisans in the industry.
John has always been committed to increasing his knowledge base in an ever changing and dynamic construction industry. He pays special attention to new trends and technology, design innovations, and creative and cost-effective use of building materials. Knowledge and vast experience is vital to the selection of proper interior and exterior materials, choice of finishes, specification of mechanical systems, and understanding of how all these factors affect aesthetics, style, and function.
d e s i g n

In accepting a project, we apply many elements of design: form, scale, color, texture, function, and environment to present a solution specifically tailored to clients’ needs. We consider such issues as code requirements, health and safety, durability, maintainability, acoustics, and historical accuracy. We place significant importance on how a structure fits the site and the environment taking full advantage of views and the natural surroundings.
We make a conscious effort to incorporate light, openness, privacy, and modern comforts into spaces. For every project, we ensure money spent is a sound investment and enhances property value for the client. Residentially, we focus on realizing client vision, personalization, and customization. As an extension of the architecture, we offer interior design services in conjunction with remodeling or as a stand alone service.
g r e e n b u i l d i n g p r a c t i c e s

John Webb Construction & Design is a certified Energy Star ™ builder through the Energy Trust of Oregon and takes great care and pride in integrating energy efficient and earth-friendly design solutions. As a green builder, John helps homeowners to conserve natural resources. He implements smart construction practices and specifies systems, equipment, materials, and appliances that improve indoor air quality, energy efficiency, healthy living, and comfort.
r e s o u r c e s

John Webb Construction & Design maintains an extensive library of materials and products. We have excellent relationships with dealers and manufacturers, locally and nationally. This allows us to conduct a broad search for appropriate products, without bias, using in-house resources and to access other resources as needed. Our office offers a one-stop resource to clients for the planning, designing and actual construction of your entire project.
c o n t r a c t d o c u m e n t a t i o n

We understand that a complete and comprehensive set of construction documents benefits the project in many aspects. We convey to our client, and craftsmen, a clear picture of the design and construction processes. A well-coordinated package minimizes the number of questions that can arise during bidding and construction, saving you time and money. Preparation of permit-ready drawings, schedules, and specifications are a critical component of the services we offer.
l o c a l b a s e

Based in Oregon, John Webb Construction & Design is familiar with local resources and believes in collaborating with other experts to achieve a superior service level. Living and working in Oregon for many years has given us a solid base in the community and a special interest developing its future. Additionally, we continue to maintain a strong home building and remodeling presence on the Oregon Coast. However, this does not limit us to just these locations. With today’s technology and our commitment to excellent communication, we are readily available and accessible to clients in any location.
project management

No matter the type of project, the John Webb Construction & Design team takes their commiments seriously. That is why we provide channels of direct communication with our team, utilizing top of the line software that allows you and our team to monitor the status of the project in real time. Need to schedule a meeting with the On-Site Manager and the Electrician? The software we use allows you to do this using the desktop or smartphone App, providing direct access to the entire crew, project schedule, documentation, and daily updates. We make sure you always have access to the staus of your project and can get immediate answers to any question you might have.